How Do I Know If a Link Is a Facebook Virus?
With every new current event, you can expect a new rash of viruses. When Osama bin Laden was killed, links surfaced on Facebook suggesting you could watch the raid or see Osama’s dead body. In the last month, a particularly insidious Facebook virus was going around that sent a message claiming someone had tagged or commented on a photo of you. Many times the person who supposedly did the tagging wasn’t someone you knew and many people clicked on the link. Other versions of the virus named the tagger/commenter as one of your friends. Unfortunately, when you click the link, you’re taken to a blank page and most people simply think the link was bad or bogus. In actuality, the link installed a Facebook virus and started sending out bogus links to your friends. If they clicked the links, they got the virus.One way to avoid getting a dreaded virus is to pay attention. Before you click on a link, consider the source. Is this the type of link this friend usually shares? If not, don’t click. If you’re tempted to click, first hover your mouse over the link and look in the lower left corner of your browser. You’ll see the URL attached to that link. If it’s not a URL you’re familiar with, don’t click the link. If you see .info in the link, I suggest not clicking the link (a link that infected my friend’s account was a .info link).
Note : If you have more tips? Please leave them in the comments!